Cartomanzia is a project of a “special” field that deals with cartomancy consultancy using various techniques such as Italian tarot, Neapolitan tarot cards, Egyptian tarot, love tarot, and can also offer consulting on various issues in family life, work or money.
It also offers astrological advice by transiting planets in different astrological houses, the forecasting being based on complex calculations for each consultant to give it something as precise as possible.
The site is targeted to audiences in Italy, for those looking to appeal to cartomancy experts.
Collaborating in several projects with this client, we had the opportunity to develop the first site in Italy in the field of cartomancy, a new field for us. Language was not a problem because we always had its support when communicating with those in Italy, and the result was beyond expectation.
After completing the site, we decided to continue with our monthly maintenance to permanently benefit from our support.
Atunci cind pornesti o afacere de la zero, cauti parteneri care sa te sustina, sa te inteleaga si pe care sa te poti baza 100%, iar echipa DEVPRO ne-a fost alaturi de la inceput. In acest fel, de la un proiect plin de entuziasm pornit acum mai bine de șase ani din dorința de a oferi un altfel de servicii IT a ajuns, astazi, la servicii de gazduire si mentenanta pentru alte 4 site-uri. Cu ajutorul echipei DEVPRO ne-am dezvoltat si crescut. NOTA 10.