Dino Boutique is an online children’s shop offering a wide range of products for them (indoor and outdoor toys, sports accessories, trolleys, tricycles, etc.).
Dino Boutique turned to our services because he found us specializing on the OpenCart platform and wanted to rebuild the old site on this platform.
After an audit of the old site, we found a very high response time (over 2 seconds) due to the thousands of existing products, the non-optimization of resources, the difficulty in completing orders, responsive issues and some internal bugs.
Therefore, we have decided, together with the customer, to restore and completely migrate (structure, products, categories, information) of the site to the OpenCart platform, being more recommended for a large number of products and categories (over 5,000).
After completing the migration, we have made various implementations and optimized the management of products and orders. We haven’t forgotten about the infrastructure at the server and platform level, which had to be optimized to respond in the shortest possible time, taking into account the large number of products.
We also had to process and import various product feeds from the customer’s suppliers to create more diversity, thus we have increased the number of products to over 8,000.
The result was beyond the expectations of the customer who finally enjoyed a 100% functional site with an improved response time, user friendly, and the placement of orders being completed in a few clicks.
Chiar dacă nu avem o colaborare de foarte multă vreme cu echipa DevPro, putem afirma că această colaborare se desfășoară în condiții foarte bune, fapt pentru care țin să le mulțumesc. Recomand cu încredere alegerea acestei firme deoarece este formată dintr-o echipă de profesioniști în domeniu, dedicați pentru ceea ce fac și în același timp și atenți către clienți. De asemenea, sunt foarte prompți și respectă întotdeauna termenul stabilit în vederea soluționării cerințelor clientului. Mulțumim echipei DevPro și sper să avem o colaborare cât mai îndelungată.